quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009


This piece was inspired by a physical representation of the sound and has a strong relation to the reverb process.

The triangle represents the sound's layers while its reflex along with the waters shows us the music echoing everywhere.

"My voice just echoes off these walls"

Adidas Supernova

Fictional Advertisement for Adidas new product line.

"Here's a thing only a few people know...Adidas was not created by any human being,in fact all the shoes,clothes and other products were leaved in Planet Earth by an alien kind.But that's a story for another time."

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009


Iris is a prominent publicity agency.
The goal for this advertisiment is to represent its exccentrical point of view.

"Our ideas at your disposal"


Just arrived from SP. Good to be at my 2nd home again.

"Beleza bonita de ver,nada existe como o azul
sem manchas no céu do Planalto Central"
-Toninho Horta

Picture from the hall of my house at Brasília.

8th P.

Experimental illustration made originally for homage of the artist H.R. Giger

"In the beginning I had no idea what I
was doing. I just did some clouds, then I
would make an eye or something..."
-H.R. Giger about his process of creating Alien's design

Made in three different colorschemes.

quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009

Perfectly Dirt

Cover design and illustration; Musical group ID development

The roses and the cowgirl design create a perfect harmony and you still can fell the naughty aproach of her.